Product Stewardship Strategy


  1. Real Circularity
    • Increase the recycling rate of used aluminium cans in Thailand to 90%. 
    • Collaborate with partners to increase the proportion of recycled materials in the production of aluminium cans (Recycled Content) to 85%.
  1. Climate Leader
    • Reduce Scope 1, 2, and 3 carbon emissions from corporate activities by 37.8% compared to the base year of 2021.
    • Increase the share of renewable energy to 20% of total energy consumption in our production processes.
  1. Material Health
    • Printing ink, coatings inside and outside of cans that the company uses in production must be certified for all health safety 100%. 
  1. Resource Efficiency
    • Reduce the use of aluminium materials in production, from reducing the thickness of the aluminium sheet and reducing the weight of the can (Weight-optimization) while the quality of the product remains the same, in order to use natural resources efficiently. 
    • Increase energy efficiency by improving the efficiency of machines to reduce the use of electricity and natural gas in the canning process by 15%.
    • Increase water efficiency by improving the efficiency of machines and circulating water use to reduce the use of water in the production process by 40%.
  1. Responsible Sourcing
    • All aluminium procurement must come from a 100% Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) certified supplier. 
    • Reduce monopoly on procurement of raw materials from suppliers (Supplier Diversity Program) by focusing on supporting procurement from local partners and small partners. 
    • Assessing suppliers that are important to the business (Critical Suppliers), in terms of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) to reduce significant risks to the company.