Recycling Aluminium Cans Helps Create a Sustainable Environment

Aluminium cans are a great packaging choice because they have unique properties that can help protect the environment, especially through recycling. Recycling aluminium cans is a process that effectively reduces waste and avoids the need for new materials, cutting down on new material use. If you’re interested in environmental issues, check out the details on aluminium can recycling!

What is aluminium can recycling?

Aluminium can recycling involves taking cans made from aluminium through a recycling process using appropriate machinery and tools. Aluminium is a popular material for beverage packaging because it’s durable and protects drinks well. Importantly, aluminium cans can be recycled multiple times without losing quality.

Benefits of recycling aluminium cans

Saves natural resources and energy: Recycling aluminium cans reduces the need for new aluminium mining. Using recycled aluminium to make new cans cuts down on natural resource use. Moreover, producing cans from recycled aluminium saves up to 95% of the energy needed compared to making cans from new aluminium.

Reduces waste: Recycling aluminium cans greatly reduces waste from consumption, helping to prevent environmental degradation from leftover trash.

Creates jobs and income: Aluminium can recycling generates employment and increases income for those working in the waste management and recycling industry, providing jobs and livelihoods.

TBC’s Aluminium Cans and Recycling

Our beverage packaging factory uses aluminium for producing cans because they are 100% recyclable without end. Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia capable of fully recycling aluminium cans within the country (Aluminium Closed-Loop Recycling). Importantly, we aim to increase the recycled content in new aluminium can production from 70% to 85% by 2030, the highest rate among all packaging types.

If you’re looking for environmentally friendly beverage packaging, consider aluminium cans. We assure you that aluminium cans are a sustainable packaging choice for sure.

The Benefits of Choosing Environmentally Friendly Aluminium Cans

Aluminium cans are recognized as one of the most eco-friendly packaging options available. Not only are they lightweight, easy to carry, durable, and effective at protecting beverages, but most aluminium cans are also made from recycled cans, greatly reducing waste and the need for new resources.


As society grows more environmentally conscious, campaigns on environmental issues are spreading through various channels, both online and in real life. People are starting to realize the importance of the environment more than ever, as it’s something that stays with us for life and will be passed onto future generations.


With increasing environmental awareness, new technologies have been developed to make our world and environment a better place. This includes technologies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, a major contributor to global warming, and choosing eco-friendly packaging like aluminium cans, which can be recycled and have a production process aimed at reducing environmental impact. This results from using recycled materials and reducing the need for new resources. So, let’s explore the benefits of choosing eco-friendly aluminium cans and how they help the environment.


Aluminium cans: the many benefits of an eco-friendly product

If you’re wondering how aluminium cans are eco-friendly, we’ve got some answers for you today.

Aluminium cans are recyclable.

As everyone knows, aluminium cans can be recycled, but what might not be as well known is that aluminium drink packaging can be recycled over and over again, greatly reducing the amount of new waste entering our ecosystem and environment.

Aluminium cans have an eco-friendly production process.

Using recycled aluminium cans in the production process can save up to 95% of the energy compared to mining new aluminium.

Aluminium cans are lightweight and easy to carry.

Aluminium cans are made from aluminium, known for being lightweight, making them easy to transport. This applies to distributing products for retail and wholesale, as well as transporting them for recycling. This means transportation can be done in large quantities, helping reduce carbon dioxide emissions from transport.


Recycling Process of Aluminium Cans

Aluminium cans have two main components: the can body and the lid, which can be recycled together to produce new aluminium cans. The recycling process includes:

  1. Sorting and collecting aluminium cans. 

Separating waste is crucial for recycling aluminium cans because separating them from other types of waste makes recycling more convenient and faster. Imagine if aluminium cans were mixed with regular trash or daily food scraps; it would be much harder to separate. Remember to clean the cans before sorting to reduce dirt.


  1. Compressing and compacting into blocks. 

At the waste sorting plant, cans are compressed together into large blocks for easier transport to the recycling plant.


  1. Shred aluminium cans into small pieces and remove paint. 

The aluminium pieces from the sorting plant are shredded into smaller pieces. They’re then passed through a large magnetic conveyor to separate any steel from spray cans and other aluminium impurities, including wood, plastic, dirt, and sand. Next comes the de-lacquering process to remove external paint and internal lacquer from the cans.


  1. Melt and adjust chemical properties. 

In this step, the aluminium scraps are melted at a temperature of around 750 ± 100 degrees Celsius in an efficient furnace. This process includes adjusting the chemical properties by adding pure aluminium, magnesium, and silicon to achieve the desired properties for different aluminium products.


  1. Cast into ingots and roll into sheets. 

The molten aluminium is cast into ingots, then rolled into thin sheets, and transported to factories for manufacturing new aluminium cans and other products.


TBC’s aluminium cans are environmentally friendly.

Choosing TBC’s aluminium cans is a great way to conduct business eco-friendly because TBC’s cans are 100% recyclable, with no part of the can that can’t be recycled. Importantly, TBC’s aluminium cans are continuously tracked for recycling and made into new cans endlessly.


Just by opting for aluminium-made products, you can help reduce waste and conserve the environment, making the nature around us more livable. Choosing a factory that produces eco-friendly aluminium cans or packaging is a good option because it involves recycling used aluminium cans to produce new ones constantly.


If you care about the environment and want to improve our surroundings, making environmentally conscious decisions can positively impact, ensuring a better environment for future generations and benefiting the economy and society.

How are Soda Cans Made Before They Bring Us the Fizz?

When it comes to a quick thirst-quencher that everyone, regardless of age, can enjoy, “soda” is likely the answer for 8 out of 10 people. Soda is a globally recognized favorite, easily found in stores both as canned soda and bottled soda. Today, let’s dive into where soda comes from and why it’s so popular.


Where does soda come from?

Many might think soda is a modern drink that became popular only in recent decades, but this fizzy beverage was actually discovered back in the 17th century. It was accidentally found by a geologist who drank natural mineral water mixed with carbon dioxide and was surprised by its refreshing fizz. He then started producing water mixed with carbon dioxide. In 1767, carbon dioxide naturally produced from beer fermentation was discovered, leading to the development of soda water, which evolved into soda over time. The first sodas were lemon and honey water carbonated to add fizz and freshness. From there, new flavors and formulas were developed, leading to a wide variety of tastes.


The taste of soda and its packaging

Soda needs carbon dioxide to create its signature fizz. Packaging is very important to keep this fizz intact, affecting the overall taste of the drink.


Canned soda: a new choice for environmentally conscious drinkers

Why has canned soda become a choice for eco-friendly people? That’s because soda cans are made from 100% recyclable aluminium, without limit on the number of recycling cycles. Recycled aluminium cans can be made into new cans endlessly, and using recycled aluminium cans for production can reduce energy by up to 95% compared to using new aluminium. Plus, aluminium cans are lightweight, easy to carry, cool quickly, and stay cold, making drinks more refreshing.

At TBC, we are highly aware of eco-friendly production processes. We have strategies for Product Stewardship and work hard to achieve our goals. For more details, check out > TBC’s Product Stewardship strategies.

What types of TBC’s aluminium canned soda packaging are available?



For those looking for an aluminium can manufacturer for soda, we recommend our factory. We are a quality aluminium can manufacturer meeting international standards. We offer packaging for soda both in bottle and can forms, as follows:

  • TBC produces various designs and sizes of soda cans.
  • TBC produces aluminium bottles for soda in these sizes.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What metal are soda cans made of?

They are commonly made from aluminium.

Why are soda cans popularly made from aluminium?

Because aluminium is a lightweight material, making it easy to transport and carry when used for packaging. Aluminium cans also cool drinks quickly and keep them cold longer. Importantly, recycling aluminium cans is straightforward as they can be completely recycled without needing to remove the pull tab or separate other materials, thanks to being made entirely of aluminium (Mono-material).

Can soda cans be recycled?

Yes, they can be recycled an unlimited number of times.

The History of Beer Cans, and Why are They Still Useful Today?

Everyone knows about “canned beer,” especially working folks who like to unwind with a can after work. But have you ever wondered about the origins of that refreshing cold beer can? Here’s the story.

Where did cans come from?

The world’s first can has a long history, dating back to when Napoleon wanted a “packaging” solution to preserve food quality for his armies on long journeys. A French chef named Nicolas Appert invented a method to preserve food using “cans” that directly protect food from external contact. The early canned foods included pickled, dried, and salted foods, packed in wide-mouth glass jars, sealed with cork and wax, and then boiled to sterilize with heat. This method effectively extended food shelf life, earning Appert the title “father of canning.”

Cans were further developed by an Englishman named Donkin and Hall, who evolved the original wide-mouth glass jar into a “metal can” sterilized with heat. These cans gained popularity for many years until Peter Durand first commercially used cans, changing their design for a tighter seal.

Today, cans are not just for storing dry food or extending food shelf life. They have become a crucial packaging in the food industry, for savory foods, sweets, and beverages alike.


Where did canned beer production start from?



The start of canned beer came from the global love and passion for beer, making it a popular drink. Good beer needs to have not just great taste but also the right fizz, and packaging plays a crucial role in maintaining these elements. The fizz in beer comes from carbon dioxide from fermentation or added gas to increase the bubbles, and cans are perfect for keeping this gas intact because they can 100% prevent light and oxygen from affecting the drink’s quality.


Using beer cans today

Beer cans are increasingly used because they keep the beer tasting great and are convenient for transport and carrying. Most beer cans are made from aluminium, which is lightweight, highly resistant to corrosion, and 100% completely blocks light and air.


Beer can production



Made in 2 pieces for aluminium cans, consisting of the can body and lid. The production starts with forming the can into a cup shape, stretching it to the desired height, and creating a dome at the bottom to strengthen the can. The lid is made separately and sealed after filling.


Benefits of using beer cans:

  • Environmentally friendly as they are made from recyclable aluminium.
  • Producing beer cans from recycled aluminium can reduce the energy needed in the production process by up to 95%.
  • Easy to transport and carry due to the lightweight nature of aluminium, reducing the risk of breakage.
  • Aluminium helps the beer cool quickly and stay cold longer.
  • Production and printing on aluminium can packaging can be done in various sizes and styles, helping create a unique identity for the product.
  • Aluminium cans don’t rust.


What sizes do beer cans come in?

TBC produces beer cans in various sizes as follows…

ประเภทกระป๋องอลูมิเนียม ปริมาณ ความสูง ฝากระป๋อง
REGULAR CAN 330 ml 115 mm 202
REGULAR CAN 500 ml 168 mm 202

Please see more details on each type of can at the TBC’s Aluminium Beverage Can Products page.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are beer cans made of?

Most beer cans are made from aluminium.

What are beer can lids made from?

The lids are also made from aluminium, but it’s a stronger, crisper, and more corrosion-resistant grade than what’s used for the can body, ensuring the lid is stable and easy to open.

Can beer cans be recycled?

Yes, beer cans made from aluminium can be recycled.

Can beer can lids be recycled?

Yes, they can be recycled.

Where can I find the expiration date on canned beer?

You can find it on the bottom of the can.

What’s the minimum order for producing aluminium cans or beer cans?

If you’re looking for a beer can manufacturer, TBC typically sets a production minimum of 300,000 cans. For special cases, like small lot products such as bottled water or craft beer, you can order 50,000 or 150,000 cans.

How much does it cost to produce beer cans?

The price depends on the type of beverage. If you’re interested in ordering, please contact our staff at the  CONTACT US

TBC Produces Aluminium Cans and Bottles, Meeting American Standards

When it comes to popular packaging, “cans” are a top choice, especially in the beverage industry that often opts for aluminium cans. The reason many brands go for aluminium is because it’s more eco-friendly. Today, we’ll explain why you should consider aluminium cans for your beverages.

What’s a can?

A can is a type of packaging used to store food and drinks longer, maintaining their quality. Nowadays, there are various cans like steel or plastic ones, but aluminium cans are the most popular due to their lightweight, low density but high strength, ductility, corrosion resistance, quick cooling ability, and ease of shaping into products. Plus, they can be endlessly recycled 100%.

What do aluminium cans look like?

Aluminium cans consist of two parts: the body and the lid. The production process starts by shaping the can into a cup form, stretching it to the desired height, and forming a dome at the bottom to add strength. The lid is made separately and sealed after the beverage is filled.



Why aluminium cans are great for drinks ?

Aluminium cans are popular for drinks because they’re lightweight, making them easy to transport and carry. Plus, aluminium conducts cold well and blocks light and oxygen, keeping drinks fresh for longer. Most importantly, aluminium cans are eco-friendly since they can be “100% recycled” while maintaining quality, significantly reducing waste.

Benefits of using aluminium cans for drinks:  

  • Strong and durable
  • Lightweight and easy to move, convenient to carry
  • Good at blocking light and air, keeping drinks fresh
  • Conducts cold well, making drinks cool quickly and stay cold longer
  • Can be 100% recycled endlessly

Thai Beverage Can (TBC), the leading and largest aluminium can manufacturer, meets American standards



For business owners looking for quality packaging to deliver your beverage products to consumers in the best possible condition, rest assured in our production process. Thai Beverage Can Co., Ltd. (TBC) is a leading Thai manufacturer of aluminium cans and lids, as well as aluminium bottles, dedicated to sustainable product development. We focus on innovating and producing aluminium beverage cans to meet our business partners’ needs while prioritizing consumer benefits. At the same time, we are committed to operating sustainably to address environmental and social issues.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Minimum order quantity for aluminium cans

Normally, the minimum order is 300,000 cans. For special cases, such as small lot products like bottled water or craft beer, orders can be placed for 50,000 or 150,000 cans.

Minimum price for ordering aluminium cans, lids, and pull rings

The price depends on the type of beverage. If you’re interested in placing an order, please provide the following information to discuss directly with our sales department:

  • Type of beverage/brand you want to package in aluminium cans
  • Quantity you want to order
  • Size of cans you’re interested in

Why Should We Start Using Aluminium Cans for Beverage Packaging?

What are the advantages of aluminium cans that make them an ideal packaging choice?

With the easy-to-recycle nature of aluminium, it can be endlessly recycled, allowing the same resources to be reused and reducing the need for new resources. Importantly, producing aluminium cans from recycled aluminium requires less energy than using new aluminium from mining, which also leads to lower greenhouse gas emissions from production. In the market, there are many beverages packaged in cans. Why do so many brands choose aluminium cans…?

This article will detail the benefits of aluminium cans for you.

Good for the planet and the environment

Making aluminium cans from recycled ones uses up to 95% less energy than using new aluminium from mining. With less energy used in production, greenhouse gas emissions are also reduced. Plus, recycling aluminium cans is easy because they’re made from just one material, aluminium, without any mix of other materials, known as Mono-Material. This makes them directly recyclable without needing to separate other materials first. And because they’re easy to recycle, aluminium cans are one of the most collected and recycled packaging, reducing a lot of waste.

Easy to transport

Aluminium packaging, whether cans or bottles, is lightweight, making it easier to transport and reducing potential damage. However, no matter the condition of the aluminium can, whether it’s dirty with beverages or dented, 100% of the can can still be recycled without losing quality.

Help keep beverages in their original quality



Aluminium has high corrosion resistance and can block out sunlight and oxygen 100%, which greatly reduces the chance of drinks going bad or getting contaminated. This makes aluminium cans an excellent choice for packaging acidic or fizzy drinks like beer, wine, soda, without altering the drink’s condition. It’s no surprise to see many types of drinks packaged in aluminium cans, whether it be beer cans, wine cans, soda cans, or Coke cans. Additionally, aluminium conducts cold well, so aluminium can products help drinks cool faster and stay cold longer than other types of packaging.

Work great for customized packaging

With their shape, you can tweak texts, colors, or patterns all around, making them excellent for communication. This allows companies to market, promote, and create unique promotions, making your packaging stand out at points of sale. Plus, aluminium cans come in various sizes, offering more options to suit different types of beverages.



In summary, the advantages of using aluminium cans include that they are an eco-friendly packaging option that helps reduce environmental impact by minimizing the use of new resources and reducing waste. This is because aluminium cans can be 100% recycled, allowing them to continuously be turned back into new cans without end. Additionally, aluminium cans can be stored for long periods without compromising the quality of the beverages inside. They are also convenient for transportation due to their lightweight and serve as an excellent medium for communication.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are aluminium cans used for?

Mainly for packaging beverages like soda, beer, juice, and water.

How are aluminium cans recycled?

After use, sorted aluminium cans are compressed into blocks, melted into ingots, and rolled into aluminium sheets to be used as raw materials for new aluminium cans, which can be continuously recycled.

What are aluminium’s properties?

It’s shiny, lightweight, low-density yet strong, ductile, highly resistant to corrosion and breakage, cools quickly, and is easy to cast into various products.

Aluminium Can Recycling in Thailand

Nowadays, there is growing concern about conserving resources through many different initiatives, including aluminium can recycling. As the global population grows (currently, we are at about 8 billion people worldwide and around 71 million in Thailand), people are realizing that the planet’s resources are finite, and therefore more prudent methods must be used to ensure everyone has sufficient access to food, water, and shelter.

Often, you will see campaigns to “reduce, reuse, and recycle”. Here, we will discuss the last point, recycling, specifically, aluminium can recycling, as Thai Beverage Can Ltd is at the forefront of recycling aluminium in an effort to help save the planet’s resources.

What is recycling?

Unlike reducing or reusing, which focus on using a product less (reducing) or using product as often as possible (reusing), recycling is about transforming something that may seem worthless into something of value. So, rather than throwing something away to the trash, an item can be broken down and reformed into something useful again.

This is not a new concept, as people have been reducing, reusing, and recycling for generations. However, with new technologies and innovations, it became cheaper to manufacture new products, so people became accustomed to single-use items. They found it easier to throw away, for example, a plastic water bottle and buying a new one or to get rid of old appliances for a newer model.

But now, the trend is turning back to recycling as people are becoming more aware of the damage that constantly using up resources is doing to their environment and lifestyles. Now, they are seeing the value in taking items that were once considered garbage and converting them into new resources and products.

What are the benefits of recycling?

There are many benefits to be gained from recycling. First and foremost, recycling helps reduce the amount of waste that needs to be stored. Generally, waste is relegated to landfills, which at the very least become eyesores (and nose-sores from the smell) for the nearby communities. In Thailand alone, there are over 3,000 landfill sites. This does not include illegal dumping grounds, which cause their own issues. From these landfills, hazardous chemicals can leach into the soil and water table, ruining local ecosystems and farmlands.

Furthermore, recycling can ease the pressure on limited resources. For example, with aluminium can recycling, there is no need to mine for bauxite, which is crushed and heated to create aluminium. Natural lands can remain pristine without the mines, and the risk of polluting the air and nearby water sources is greatly reduced.

Recycling also has other benefits, including saving money and raising revenue. Recycling efforts can be more cost-effective than producing new products, and in many countries, including Thailand, people can supplement their incomes by collecting recyclable materials and selling them to facilities. As of 1 March 2023, a kilogram of aluminium cans is worth about 46 baht.

What are the benefits of recycling aluminium cans?

In addition to the revenue mentioned above, aluminium can recycling is a particularly effective way of maintaining sustainable practices to save on resources. Even before discussing its recyclability, aluminium already has many benefits over other materials. It is extremely durable and lightweight, so that when comparing strength to weight, aluminium comes in at 65% lighter than its equivalent in steel. And unlike products made of iron or steel, it does not rust. And while it can corrode, this process can create a protective layer of aluminium oxide.

Returning to recycling, aluminium is a uniquely advantageous material, as it is almost 100% recyclable, with little degradation or loss. That means that an aluminium soda can could be recycled into a brand-new can of almost exactly the same size. By some estimates, nearly 75% of aluminium produced throughout time is still in use today. In Thailand, the recycling rate for aluminium cans is over 90%.

How are aluminium cans recycled?

Through various techniques, from hand sorting to high-tech machinery, aluminium cans are separated and sorted based on their alloy composition and quality. Contaminants are cleaned off, and then the aluminium “waste” heads to a furnace, where it is hit with almost 300 degrees Celsius of heat, which liquefies the metal. It can be kept in its liquid state, or it can be poured into molds to make ingots or cast into billets. From there, the aluminium can be rolled out into sheets or formed into whatever is needed. So a soda can could become another soda can or a smartphone case.

What is closed-loop recycling?

For many other materials, they are processed through open-loop recycling. This means that the item recycled is not fully used or is transformed into something that, in turn, cannot be recycled. For example, many plastic soda bottles can be recycled into synthetic textiles to make carpets or coat padding. However, that carpet or coat cannot be recycled in the same way.

Aluminium, on the other hand, can be part of closed-loop recycling. Closed loop because, as mentioned above, almost all of the aluminium used can be recycled back to aluminium. Not only is there little to no waste of the aluminium, but the aluminium stays aluminium, and it can be turned into aluminium again after multiple uses. This is why many advocate using aluminium over plastics wherever possible, since aluminium can be recycled potentially endlessly.

Thai Beverage Can is at the forefront of aluminium can recycling

Thai Beverage Can Ltd (TBC) produces a variety of metal containers for beverages, foodstuffs, and other products. The company is fully committed to sustainable practices and, to that end, has implemented a circular economy strategy to its operations. In 2020, TBC, along with other industry suppliers and partners, signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to promote and facilitate aluminium can recycling in a truly closed-loop process. Along with integrating recycling in its business practices, TBC also contributes to the Aluminium Loop initiative, which encourages recycling among consumers and communities, with various campaigns and by setting up and maintaining collection points across the country.