Saroj Chayavivatkul

President of Thai Beverage Can Ltd.

“Sustainable Development” is one of the main objectives in the business conduct of Thai Beverage Can Company Limited. The company is committed to business conduct with ‘Good Governance’ and attaches the upmost importance to social, economic, and environmental sustainability, all of which are essential for sustainable business operations and achieving the maximum benefit for all relevant stakeholders.

TBC SG 2030

In 2021, Thai Beverage Can set a framework and long-term goals for corporate sustainability management called TBC Sustainability Goals 2030 (TBC SG 2030) to respond to the needs of all stakeholders, and in accordance with the environmental policy of Thailand and international whether it is BCG Model: Bio Economy, Circular Economy, Green Economy, the goal of zero greenhouse gas emissions (Net Zero), and waste management policies.
Under this framework, the company has established two strategies: firstly, the Product Stewardship strategy, which covers the entire production chain from designing products to be environmentally friendly, responsible sourcing material, sourcing of safe materials for the health of consumers, and efficient management in the production process, as well as manage aluminium cans packaging after consumption to enable efficient use of resources.
Another strategy is the Social Impact which creates the power to positively drive society from within the organization. There are plans to look after employees’ health in three dimensions include; physical health, mental health, and financial well-being. Moreover, focus on the development of employees in innovation and design thinking. Last, reaching out beyond the TBC border which is the community around the company. The company, therefore, has a plan for all employees to participate in community development projects, such as an educational program on aluminium can waste management, and improving the quality of life of people in the community to grow together with our sustainable organization.

Thai Beverage Can Ltd. has a policy to promote and support sustainability activities, setting goals and plans for the company’s sustainable development known as the TBC Sustainability Goals 2030. This framework guides the company’s business operations to ensure efficiency and the achievement of objectives.

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